BS is a windows version of the 2D X-ray data processing
program BSL in use at the Daresbury Synchrotron radiation source, for the
treatment of low angle diffraction data. BSL was written in the Daresbury
Laboratory, mainly by Geoff Mant, for the Biology Support Laboratory. It
is based on the OTOKO package developed in Hamburg in 70's and runs on
Unix or Unix-like platforms. You may find more information about it on
Daresbury web site:
The core of BS was written in April - June 2000
to make it possible to work with Daresbury data on our home, Windows-based
computers. Another aim was to make it more user-friendly and to provide
greater flexibility to adapt to the ever changing requirements. It requires
less memory, has separate window to see 1D graphics and allows export of
the image in two common formats: BMP and TIFF. It is still developing,
comments and suggestions are welcomed.
The program was written using CBuilder 4, the
codes are available on request.
Natalia Koubassova,
Institute of
Mechanics Moscow University
color scale for intensity | |
zoom | |
mouse selection of integration limits | |
result of vertical integration | |
List of implemented functions.
.inf | information about the data file |
.adc | add a constant to selected range in n frames from file |
.add | weighted addition of two images |
.arg | display memory contents |
.asc | export selection in ASCII format |
.ave | average of n frames from one file. |
.csv | export selection from 1D file in ASCII, CSV format |
.cut | cut part of an image in a smaller image. |
.dis | displays image with given threshold. |
.div | weighted division of two images |
.frm | select a frame from current file |
.gau | generate a 2D gaussian |
.hor | horizontal integration |
.int | 2D integration though selected region |
.log | calculate natural or based 10 logarithm of the image |
.max | calculate extremal values of intensity |
.mih | mirror two halves horizontally |
.mir | irror the four quadrants of the image |
.miv | mirror two halves vertically. |
.muc | multiply a selected region by a constant |
.mul | weighted multiplication of the two images |
.rot | image rotation |
.sum | sum frames |
.shf | shifts an image in x and/or x directions |
.usr | runs a user script |
.val | intensity value in one point. |
.ver | vertical integration |
.zer | zero negative values |